If you think that makeup for shooting should not differ from ordinary makeup, you are deeply mistaken.
Makeup for videos and photos will be radically different. For example, it is better to put aside all shiny and shimmering products like nacreous eye shadows , lipsticks with glossy effect, and lip glosses with sparkles. If you use this type of makeup products during a shoot you will ruin even the most beautiful and fashionable look. It will add volume and a greasy sheen to the model's face.
Do not forget that high-quality equipment and professional lighting can show much more than our eyes can see.

Commercial shooting
A commercial or advertising photo shoot usually requires a lot of effort! The goal is always the same - to evoke the desired emotion from the buyer. We are able to organize the main steps for this type of shooting:
- we work together with the client on their content plan (concept);
- agree on the time and place of shooting;
- we choose the models;
- we hire additional stylists (if necessary);
- preparing layouts and backgrounds;
We take care of all of that!
Business portrait
Whether you are a client, a partner, or a competitor, it is interesting to know who stands behind the business you are dealing with.
In many cases your business portrait becomes your business signature, which appears in the media space. This is the first acquaintance with you as with a professional!
Nowadays a business portrait has an important meaning. If you had time to pay attention to how you look like as a business person it means that you take your job seriously. Therefore, you can be trusted!
And you can entrust your business portrait to our team.

Stylization of Product Shooting
That is the work on brand recognition. Nowadays the fastest and easiest way to tell about yourself is through social media.
Therefore, almost everyone has social media accounts and a huge amount of content is βpouredβ there every day.
We offer not just high-quality photos, we set the mood, convey the atmosphere and your uniqueness!
Creation of a professional portfolio for modeling agencies and the film industry.
Portfolio (book) is a set of professional photographs that reflect the external data of the model, her type, the ability to transform, emphasize the advantages and hide imperfections.
Everyone knows that the most difficult thing is to convey an emotion through a photo, and we deftly cope with it!
It is important to remember that the Model Portfolio is your tool for trading and getting the best contracts. The better your photos, the more paid contracts you have.